Brother Thib jumped in the van and headed off for 16 nights this summer to visit a few new countries, and sample the flavours of some other scenes and waters than that of his homeland of France, travelling through Germany, Austria and Italy to get to Slovenia, and then back via Holland and Belgium.. 7 countries, and 3000k later we grabbed five minutes with him to catch up and see how it was. If you didn't live that dream this summer, or ever have, live it second hand through Thib's buzz here. Next best thing!
Yo Thib! Nice to speak to you again mate, you've not long returned from a big summer trip, how was it?! Tell us a bit about it..
Yo! That's right mate! I took advantage of my summer vacation this year to do a big road trip through Europe. It was completely crazy! Everything was as perfect as I could have imagined. Of course, during the trip, the fish were there, but what I remember most from all of it was all the wonderful encounters with really great people. Although, I admit the return to reality was really not quite so easy!
"Don't dream your life, live your dreams"
I found that this famous quote once again took on its full meaning here, and made sense again with this trip!
How long did you go for?
This trip lasted exactly 16 days. That may seem like a long time to some, and it was, but in reality, the time went really fast! (much too fast even...)
What countries did you visit?
The start was from my homeland of France. I headed out on the road with my friend Tom and we went through Germany, Austria and Italy to get to our first destination: Slovenia! First we headed to Bovec, where we started by doing a rafting session on the magnificent Soča river where the landscapes were close to the unreal. We then went to Bled where we met Gasper, a true legend of the place! Finally, we spent our last 4 days with Tom and Gasper on a lake just a few kilometers from Croatia. But it wasn't over there, after that first stage in the Balkans, I then resumed my journey to go to Leiden, Holland. It was a very long journey and was almost 17 hours of driving to get there... I met up with my friend Felix there where he introduced me to the famous Dutch canals. Finally, to end the trip, I stopped for two days in Belgium with Sigi before returning home and finding my way back to work.
Was it the first time you had fished in Slovenia and Holland?
Yes mate, it was the first time I have been to Holland and Slovenia to fish. I would like to point out that although it was the first, it certainly won't be the last!
How was the flavour different, the Dutch venues looked pretty different to your French fishing back home from what I saw on your iG stories?!
Each place on this trip was totally different from what I'm used to seeing in France. In fact, that was what I was looking for when I went on this trip: a change of scenery. Félix introduced me to three really incredible canal spots. From fishing in the city center, right in the middle of the many bicycles, to sleeping on the sidewalk, then on the complete contrary another most typical Dutch canal, very straight, shallow, and in the middle of a field with cows and of course the famous Dutch windmills. In fact, each new destination had its own completely distinct character and was always a surprise.
'each new destination had its own completely distinct character and was always a surprise'
Did you meet up with friends along the whole way? Is that side of it important to you?
In every destination that I went to on this trip, I met some really great people. The cool thing was that at no point did I find myself alone and this is for me the most important point of a trip of this type. Gasper, Félix.. we'll see each other again very soon, guys. And of course, don't forget that the door to my house will always be open to you and that you are welcome in France too.
Thanks for everything guys - Big Love!
Did Bled live up to its expectations? It looked incredible.. it is still on our Wishlist to visit.
Absolutely yes. It was amazing! Bled had been on my own wishlist for years. It is now surely one of the most iconic places in the world to catch carp. Finding yourself putting your rods out in front of that mythical church which is surrounded by turquoise blue water just leaves you dreaming, believe me. All the more so when it is shared in good company with friends. We were particularly lucky in that we each caught wonderful fish, so it was an opportunity to have a beer together each time to celebrate the successes as well, haha!
'It was an opportunity to have a beer together each time to celebrate the successes as well, haha!'
What were your favourite moments?
That is a very, very difficult question to answer, impossible even, because every second of this trip was a real pleasure. Meeting the guys, sharing it all, the fish themselves, and a lot of laughter along the way..
Do you have plans to head back anytime to any of the venues or countries?
Without hesitation, YES!!
I've seen you're prepping again for another big trip already? What have you got planned for this autumn mate?
Yes mate, everything is ready! I will start my fall season next Friday by going for a week on the giant Lac du Der again. I will then go down to the South of France for a session at the mythical lake of Saint Cassien...
The fingers are crossed in the hope to catch some fish!
Best of luck brother, you seem to be on a roll at the moment but I'm sure whatever happens you'll have an amazing time. Be lucky!
'That is a very, very difficult question to answer, impossible even, because every second of this trip was a real pleasure. Meeting the guys, sharing it all, the fish themselves, and a lot of laughter along the way..'